duminică, 3 aprilie 2011

Mesothelioma: New treatments for Mesothelioma cancer

There are more treatment possibilities for Mesothelioma cancer than surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy: the clinical trials. They offer no only benefits, but also risks that cancer patients should know before taking part in one of these research studies.
The U.S. National Cancer Institute sponsors clinical trials, because Mesothelioma cancer is difficult to control. This research is being performed to find out new treatments and better ways to use the current medical procedures.
Clinical trials are performed before the application of any new treatment in human beings, because doctors should know if the treatment is safe for their patients and effective to fight the disease on the stage level in which is.
Patients with mesothelioma can participate in research programs as a treatment option, because the possibility exists in the United States. People interested in take part in a clinical trial, however, should talk with their doctors before.
There is information about clinical trials in the Cancer Information Service (CIS) of the above mentioned Institute or may call to the toll-free phone number 1–800–4–CANCER to talk to CIS staff who may identify and provide detailed information about specific ongoing clinical trials.
The Web have various information about the subject, such as basic trial information, trial description with a summary and the eligibility criteria, and trial sites and contacts in the U.S.

About the author:

Article written by the staff of mesothelioma -10.com a website edited by Hector Milla, if you want to read more articles about mesothelioma cancer, feel free to visit http://www.mesothelioma-10.com , or http://www.asbestos-10.com you can reprint this article in your website or ezine, always mentioning the author above and keeping a live link.

How Is Mesothelioma Treated?

Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles. However, they may have been been exposed to asbestos dust and fibre in other ways. This could include working with asbestos or by home renovation using asbestos cement products or even by washing the clothes of a family member who worked with asbestos. The resulting disease is rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs.

Mesothelioma occurs more often in men than in women and risk increases with age, but this disease can appear in either men or women at any age. About 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year. Although reported incidence rates have increased in the past 20 years, mesothelioma is still a relatively rare cancer.

There are various procedures used for the treatment of mesothelioma. The type of treatment depends on the location of the cancer, the stage of the disease, and the patient's age and general health.

A common treatment of the disease is by means of surgery by the removal of part of the lining of the chest or abdomen and some of the tissue around it. For cancer of the pleura, a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy. Sometimes part of the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing, is also removed.

Another method is Radiation therapy, also called radiotherapy. This involves the use of high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation therapy affects the cancer cells only in the treated area. The radiation may come from a machine or from putting materials that produce radiation through thin plastic tubes into the area where the cancer cells are found .

Anticancer drugs can be used to kill cancer cells throughout the body. This is known as chemotherapy and involves the administration of the drugs by injection into a vein (intravenous, or IV). Currently, doctors are also studying the effectiveness of putting chemotherapy directly into the chest or abdomen.

Because mesothelioma is very hard to control, the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) is sponsoring clinical trials that are designed to find new treatments and better ways to use current treatments

About the author:
Looking for information about Mesothelioma?
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Mesothelioma: What Mesothelioma Cancer is?

Everybody have listened the word Mesothelioma, but few people know what this rare type of cancer really is. Through a series of articles you will know and learn rapidly about this cancer disease that affects either men or women at any age.

The cancer of the mesothelium appears when the cells of this membrane -that forms the lining of several internal organs within the different body cavities: the pleura in the thoracal cavity, the peritoneum in the abdominal cavity and the pericardium in the heart sac, become abnormal or 'malignant' and divide neither with control nor order.

The mesothelium is composed by two layers of cells, which produce a fluid that enable the expanding and contracting movements of organs, such as the heart beating and the corresponding lungs movements.

Although most Mesothelioma cases start in the pleura or peritoneum, the problem increases when these cancerous cells can damage nearby tissues and organs or even metastasize or spread to other parts of your body.

Despite Mesothelioma cancer rate has increased over the past 20 years, this disease is not as common as other types of cancer pathology. The number of new diagnosed cases in the United States rises up to 2,000 per year.

next Article: Risk factors for Mesothelioma

About the author:
Article written by the staff of mesothelioma-10.com a website edited by Hector Milla, if you want to read more articles about malignant mesothelioma cancer treatment information, feel free to visit http://www.mesothelioma-10.com or http://www.asbestos-10.com , you can reprint this article in your website or ezine, always mentioning the author above and keeping a live link.

Prostate cancer sun and vitamin D

Cancer Centres in USA compared the lifetime sun exposure in men with advanced prostate cancer and men without disease and they suggest that men who had spent more time in the sun they lives were with low risk of prostate cancer.

New studies in prostate cancer indicate that the men who spent more time in the sun in their live usually can reduce prostate cancer in about 50%

About the above point shown that the prostate uses Vitamin D to promote the normal growth of prostate cells and in consequence to slow the spread of prostate cancer cells to others parts of the body.

Sun exposure prevent prostate cancer and the new research suggest vitamin D in supplement may be a safer option today for men.

Previous studies have shown that many places which long winter like Canada and North America men do not adsorb Vitamin D and others nutrients.

In Canada men do not adsorb vitamin D in consequence one of the seven can develop prostate cancer in their lives;
USA new researches indicate that one of the five men can develop prostate cancer.

Researchers shown that vitamin D has many micronutrients promote and prevent the prostate cancer in men.

About the author:
Hector Milla; editor of the cancer -10.com and you can find more articles about prostate cancer in http://www.cancer-10.com, or heart disease symptom information visiting http://www.heartdiseasesympton.com ,you can reproduce this article in your web site or ezine articles always mention above the author article.

Cancer Diet - Minerals

A cancer diet needs a good balance of minerals because minerals are needed by all cells for proper function. Patients are often found to be mineral deficient, so this is an area of the diet that needs particular attention.

There are two classes of minerals. Macrominerals, such as the well known calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus, and microminerals, such as boron, chromium, copper, iron, iodine, germanium, sulfur, silicon, vanadium, zinc, manganese and molybdenum.

The good news is we will get most of the minerals we need, provided we are eating a diet based on a wide variety of fruits and veggies, with the addition of nuts, seeds and grains.

Where we can get in to trouble is that minerals are washed out of soils with constant rain, and modern fertilizers don't usually contain the wide variety of minerals we need. Organic gardeners usually use rock minerals on their soils and this results in organic produce have a much higher and broader range of minerals.

Germanium is one micromineral that cancer patients are often low on. It is essential for immune function and is critical to tissue oxygenation. Cancer grows rapidly where there is low oxygenation of cells. Germanium is found in broccoli, celery, garlic, onions, rhubarb, sauerkraut and tomato juice as well as aloevera and ginseng.

Iodine deficiency has been linked to breast cancer in more than one study. Seasalt contains iodine and a variety of minerals rather than the isolated highly processed iodine additive in table salt. Asparagus, garlic, lima beans, soybeans, sesame seeds all contain natural iodine along with the nutrients needed for good absorption.

Large amounts of brassicas eg brussels sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower, along with peaches, pears and spinach can block absorption of iodine, so ensure there is a balance of iodine rich foods in your diet.

Selenium has been linked to cancer. Selenium and Vitamin E work together to attack free radicals. Selenium is critical for pancreatic function, and pancreatic enzymes are critical to the bodies ability to fight tumour activity. This mineral is generally found in meat and grains, however countries such as New Zealand and much of America is known to have selenium deficient soils.

As there have been several studies showing that good selenium levels have significantly reduced the risk of cancer, this is one mineral you want to have enough of.

Food sources that should be included frequently in a cancer diet are: brazil nuts, broccoli, brown rice, brewers yeast, chicken, kelp, onions, salmon, seafood, tuna, wheatgerm and whole grains. Garlic, chamomile, ginseng and parsley are all easy to use concentrated forms that can be added to the diet daily.

A couple of warnings:

Be very careful about self-dosing with minerals as several of them will block absorption of others if the dose is too high.

Again, eating a variety of foods, with particular notice taken of those that have high mineral levels is the safest way to go. If you wish to explore mineral supplementation further, talk to your naturopath or nutritionist. But whatever you do, don't ignore the importance of these vital elements to your well being.

Stop Smoking

If you have been trying to quit smoking, than you know how difficult it is to stop. Many smokers have turned to an alternative remedy to stop their addiction to cigarettes- hypnosis.

Over the years hypnosis has made its way back to main stream medicine for truly helping people who suffer from addictions. Other addictions that hypnosis has been successful at treating are weight loss, alcohol, and drug addictions. However, it is extremely common to go to hypnotherapy to be treated for smoking. It usually only takes a few sessions and its cost is relatively inexpensive. Some hypnotherapist’s specialize is treating addictions and can teach you strategies besides the hypnosis that can help you in your day to day battle against smoking.

Hypnosis is not magic; it is just an altered state of consciousness which allows you to direct your focus on certain details. Under hypnosis, you can’t be made to do anything that you don’t want to do, so you shouldn’t worry about giving up control which is the number one misconception about hypnosis.

If you have tried several times to quit smoking and have not succeeded, consult a hypnotherapist, you will be surprised at the professionalism and the effectiveness of the treatments and with a little determination will hopefully be successful at quitting smoking.

Shrimp Scampi Recipes

Many people have different ideas on how to prepare great shrimp scampi recipes as you will see below. Some of the ingredients are the same and usually it is served with pasta. The type of pasta that you serve with your dish is up to your own taste.

Here are two shrimp scampi recipes that do vary in style.

For the first one you will need:

2 pounds of shrimp,
¾ pound of melted butter or margarine,
3 chopped green onions,
4 tablespoons of crushed garlic cloves,
¼ cup of lemon juice,
½ cup of dry bread crumbs,
1 egg,
1 teaspoon of seasoning salt,
2 teaspoons of hot sauce and salt and pepper to taste.

Be sure to clean and de-vein your shrimp. Preheat your broiler. Cut them into a butterfly style. Place them in a large pan. Now, combine the butter, green onions, garlic, lemon juice, bread crumbs, and egg, seasoning salt, hot sauce, salt and pepper. Now place this mixture by spoonfuls over the shrimp. Broil for around 5 minutes until done.

Other shrimp scampi vary also in the ingredients but are just as tasty as the one above. For this recipe you will need:

1 pound of thin spaghetti noodles,
1/3 cup of olive oil or vegetable oil,
2 pounds of shrimp,
1 tablespoon of chopped garlic,
¼ teaspoon of crushed peppers,
¼ cup of chopped green onions,
1 cup of diced mushrooms,
¼ cup of white wine,
¼ cup of butter,
salt and pepper to taste.

To prepare you need to cook the pasta until it is al dente, usually around 3 to 5 minutes, drain and set aside. In a large skillet, heat the oil. When the oil is hot, (sprinkles of water will dance around the pan) sauté the shrimp for a few seconds. Now add the garlic, peppers, green onions and mushrooms. Cook for about one minute. Now add the wine and bring to a boil, cook until slightly thick. Remove from the heat and add the butter, stir until dissolved. Now, you can add the pasta and gently stir. This is a very wonderful and unique dish that everyone will love.

Finding the best shrimp scampi recipes are a matter of taste. You can try all different types of spices and other ingredients that you want to try to create your own recipes. Usually shrimp scampi is kind of spicy, so you can try other items such as salsa, for a new and unique flavor that no one else has thought of to add to the basic recipe.

Hans is author of Seafood Recipes at http://www.steaks-guide.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hans_Dekker


With all of the media attention about health, most people are very much aware of the overall benefit of physical fitness and being physically fit. However, knowing the overall benefit and understanding the details of how it affects your body are two totally different things. So the purpose of this article is to provide you with the specific benefits of how physical fitness affects your health, your body, and your life. And, one of the easiest ways to show you is by breaking down the benefits in terms of the 5 components of physical fitness. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, but it is definitely enough to help you see the tremendous benefit of physical fitness.

The benefits of cardiovascular fitness:

- Enables you to handle the seemingly endless daily activities required to get you through the day
- Strengthens the heart
- Conditions heart and lungs by increasing oxygen available to the body and enables heart to use oxygen more efficiently
- Helps to increase resistance to fatigue
- Gives extra energy
- Tones muscles
- Decreases tension
- Sleep better
- Decreases depression and anxiety
- More able to handle stress
- Reduces risk of coronary heart disease and some forms of cancer
- Strengthen bones
- Increases lung capacity
- Decreases blood pressure
- Decreases body fat percentage (lose weight)

Since these next two components are not the same but go together for most people, we will combine their benefits. The benefits of muscular endurance and muscular strength:

- Abdominal endurance helps prevent low back problems
- Improves body fat percentage
- Increases metabolism
- Helps to maintain your bone structure
- Decreases resting blood pressure
- Improves cholesterol levels
- Increases bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis
- Increases natural human growth hormone (HGH) which in itself is known to boost sexual potency, improve sleep, improve memory, and decrease wrinkles
- Increases testosterone
- Better looking physical appearance and improves self-image
- Increases self-esteem
- Reduces constant muscle loss (atrophy) as you age
- Increases athletic or sport performance

The benefits of flexibility fitness:

- Helps to better cope with daily activities.
- Essential to protecting joints and keeping them healthy
- Helps to strengthen your back to prevent low back pain
- Reduces the appearance and effects of arthritis
- Reduces muscle-tendon injuries
- Improves your posture
- Increases range of motion around joints
- Decreases the chance of muscle strains and pulls and ligaments tears
- Maintains body balance
- Helps to recover quicker from sport injury
- Get out of bed without being stiff and sore
- Decreases muscle soreness (from exercise or activities)

The benefit of body composition:

- Body composition is useful in determining health risks.
- Doing the right types of exercises will help you decrease fat and increase or maintain muscle
- Excessive body fat detracts from the other fitness components, reduces performance, detracts from appearance, negatively affects your health
- When the body fat ratio is high, you are considered over weight or even obese
- A high fat ratio is a sign of a greater chance of developing coronary heart disease, diabetes, joint and back pains, arthritis and higher risk of tendon-muscular accidents and injuries due to inactivity

As mentioned at the beginning of this article, it is by no means an exhaustive list, but it is a great start for your understanding. As a matter of fact, one of the biggest and most important benefits is what being healthy and physically fit can do for you mentally. A few things were mentioned above about the mental benefits but the impact is much greater.

When you’re physically fit, sure your body feels great and physically you look good, but the mental benefits are absolutely priceless. Imagine having the peace of mind to handle life, the everyday events, and just whatever comes your way without letting it wear you down. In addition, you feel sharper and think more clearly.

Getting started with fitness is easy, because you can start by doing something every day of the week or just once a week and work your way up to at least three days a week for just 20 minutes a day. It doesn’t matter, because the key is to start somewhere – anywhere. Just start! I promise you will never regret it.

One of the absolute best sources of information that I’ve found for completely understanding the benefit of physical fitness exercises is RIGHT HERE

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Donald_Holland

Arthritis - Fish Oil Connection

For many people, it seems that arthritis is a condition of aging that one simply can not avoid. The aches and pains of life simply catch up with the patient over the course of their lifetimes, resulting in achy and stiffened joints. But what many people do not realize is that arthritis is a condition that can be controlled with various drugs and supplements – leaving the patient to lead a healthy and pain free life.

What is Arthritis?

Though some myths about arthritis seem to still pervade common thought – i.e. cracking one's knuckles can lead to arthritic joints – science has shown that there is more to the story. Arthritis is a condition in which the joints swell, causing pain, swelling, and stiffness. Some cases of arthritis are linked with the amount of activity that is done over the course of a lifetime, while other cases are the result of trauma to the joint. Aging is another direct cause of arthritis. As the joints begin to weaken from the years of use, the joints can become damaged, leading to the inflammatory response.

The problem with arthritis is that it can lead to a much lower quality of life for those affected. Instead of being able to move around easily, these patients can have bad days in which they area unable to move well, causing them to stay indoors and away from activities they enjoy. Arthritis can also lead patients to avoid certain movements. And this lack of activity can actually make the condition worsened.

There are many forms of arthritis that can affect the patient:

Rheumatoid arthritis
Juvenile arthritis
Septic arthritis

It's important to note that some forms of arthritis can affect juvenile patients as well as those not in their later years. Rheumatoid arthritis and juvenile arthritis can affect very young patients, but become a lifelong battle of pain control and mobility problems.

How is Arthritis Usually Treated?

For most patients, arthritis is treated with pain medications as well as medications that help to reduce the amount of inflammation in the joints. By adding physical therapy and other forms of activity as well, you can increase the mobility of the joints without causing more harm to them in the process.

In extreme cases of arthritis in which the joint is severely damaged, the joint may need to be replaced entirely. This is often seen in the case of damaged knees and hips, whether the condition was hereditary to begin with or simply a case of aging.

For more aggressive and painful forms of arthritis, like rheumatoid arthritis, patients may need to have IV medications on a weekly basis to help control the inflammation.

Are There Other Ways to Stop the Inflammation?

This is a question that may have asked in the beginning stages of arthritis. To answer this query, scientists have begun studying the body to see how the inflammatory cycle works and how it can be disrupted. There has been some success with anti-inflammatory drugs like prednisone, but these can have negative side effects that patients do not enjoy. Prednisone especially can cause bloating and excessive weight gain in the patient, which can be uncomfortable as well as damaging to the patient's mental status.

A team of researchers at Royal Adelaide Hospital found that fish oil might be a good supplement for those suffering from arthritis conditions. Though they were studying the supplement for its effectiveness on cardiovascular diseases, they noticed that not only were patients having fewer arthritis flare ups, but that they were also being protected from heart disease. In addition, they were not experiencing the same side effects as their traditional medications and were able to replace many of their medications entirely.

As an added bonus, these researchers have also indicated that fish oil might work well as a preventative measure against arthritis.

How Can Patients Get Started?

While the benefits of fish oil for arthritis seem to be clear, patients will still want to talk with their physicians before adding this supplement regimen to their life. Fish oil can not always replace other medications, however, but it might be able to increase the effectiveness of the current therapies.

Even if patients are not ready to go for completely supplementation, they can try adding more foods with these essential fatty acids in them. For example, eating more fish and fortified foods can help to boost essential fatty acid levels. You might also want to try other essential fatty acids like those found in flaxseed and nuts and seeds.


While science is beginning to link the benefits of fish oil for arthritis, some patients may still be wary of taking these supplements. However, it is clear that adding a few additional sources of essential fatty acids to the daily diet is a good idea when you have inflammatory conditions. As the benefits become clear to the patient, they can always move onto higher levels of these fatty acids in the supplement form.

Dave McEvoy is an expert in omega 3 fish oil EPA with over 20 years experience; for more information about fish oil and how it can help come and visit our site.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_McEvoy

Top Herb Supplements Sold in America

Every year millions of people try and use herbal supplements. Herbal supplements are big business bringing in millions of dollars each year. Herbal supplements are usually not regulated by the government and do not have to show evidence for specific claims that their product may treat. Most people who use herbal supplements are looking for a treatment for their hard to cure ailment or trying to keep at optimal performance. Here are some of the top herbal supplements currently on the market.

Ginkgo Biloba is a herbal supplement that focuses on the mental faculties of a person. Most people who want to improve memory or prevent dementia use this herb. Although the jury is still out on the effectiveness of this herb, it has shown to increase the blood flow within the brain

St John’s Wort has been known for years in Europe for treating mild depression. St John’s Wort is now extremely popular in America as well. Many people who tend to get depressed from time to time use this herb instead of prescription medicine.

Ginseng has been said to give you energy throughout the day. Today you can find Ginseng all over the place, from Tea’s to soft drinks. If you feel tired or fatigued, Ginseng might be a great pick me up.

If you have any questions or would like to try one of the supplements it is always best to talk to your physician prior to doing so.